ATA password in HD Maxtor

Weeks ago I was inventing to create an encrypted partition to have greater security in the data saved on my hard drive.
When trying to install a hakintosh, I saw the flashy disk utility option to create a partition with a password, and I saw that it was also possible to do this with the disk itself, and so I did, and I came across the situation where the disk left to work.
The disk utility on the Mac creates a secure partition within the system but deals directly with the hard drive's native password like a notebook setup password. The password is not saved in CMOS, but in HD, through the "ATA Security" feature, which has existed since 1997, but many people still do not know it.
In this tutorial we will see more details of this security mechanism present in most hard drives and the solution for my case.
Finally, today, after dealing with the MHDD, trying to recover the HD buffer, without solving it, displaying an error message, I looked for "recover ata password seagate" and found another website containing standard passwords for unlocking and also disk firmware:, despite having seen the passwords hundreds of times, the solution for my case was even ridiculous: I tried to use the Seagate password on HD Maxtor.
Password used to unlock MASTER was "Seagate" + 25 blanks + <ENTER>.
When I saw that it worked, I soon thought that my work was finally over and finally HD recovered for use.
Search sources: (ATA password recover escrito em Python para discos Seagate).
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