How to enable and / or disable hibernation in Windows

Hibernation is one of the methods that completely shuts down the computer while keeping all data from the RAM memory transferred to the hard drive, being able to turn on the computer quickly after hibernation.
The advantage is that the mode is like suspending, but actually turns off the computer, and you can even unplug it, as it does not consume power in this state.
Sometimes the option is disabled for some reason or configuration.
You can download two files that do this automatically if you are using a version of Windows from Windows Vista.
Step by step paths for those who want to do it alone without the help of a program:
To make hibernation unavailable, follow these steps:
> Click Start and type cmd in the Start Search box.
> In the list of search results, right-click Command Prompt and Run as Administrator.
> When you are prompted by User Account Control, click Continue.
> At the command prompt, type powercfg.exe / hibernate off and press ENTER.
> Type exit and press ENTER to close the Command Prompt window.
To make hibernation available, follow these steps:
> Click Start and type cmd in the Start Search box.
> In the list of search results, right-click Command Prompt and Run as Administrator.
> When you are prompted by User Account Control, click Continue.
> At the command prompt, type powercfg.exe / hibernate on and press ENTER.
> Type exit and press ENTER to close the Command Prompt window.
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